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Adoption, Celebrities make it Famous, but Do you know All there is to know?
By Michael C Podlesny
Adoption., you hear about it all over the news. Mary-Louise Parker, star of the television program "Weeds," has adopted a daughter from Africa, actress Angelina Jolie and actor Brad Pitt have been adopting as well as famous pop singer Madonna, but what about fatherhood in adoptive children and the cultural gaps that are created when adopting children from another country.
Kathleen Lamb recently wrote in the Journal of Family Issues that, “Adoption has been the purview of the social work field but has received little empirical evaluation by other family scholars. Using the 2002 National Survey of Family Growth, 378 men currently cohabiting with or married to a woman with her own children are evaluated to determine whether the respondent`s biological children affect the odds of adoption of his wife`s or cohabiting partner`s children. Logistic regression results support the social role facilitation hypothesis as the presence of resident, shared biological children the respondent fathered with the current spouse/partner is associated with greater odds of stepparent adoption. The presence of nonresident biological children fathered with a previous spouse/partner reduces the odds of stepfather adoption because men who have such children are less likely to be married. Results suggest that men who adopt their stepchildren are uncommon and new and existing biological children play a role in formalizing relationships with stepchildren.”