Tamara Blezynski HOT Picture
Here Tamara blezinsky hot picture
here some bonus articles from ezine articles
A lot of women end up their careers as being a plain housewife. This happens especially in Asia, where husbands are highly respected in the family hierarchy.
Now as things have change, women prefer being a housewife without sacrificing their potentials. Women like to work in the office, becoming a freelance, or running a business and a home at the same time.
For these women, being a freelance or running a home business is a good choice, because they can have the flexibility to manage their time, they can choose when to work and to stop. They can work from home most of the time.
Being freelance or business women make them have an opportunity to earn money, doing what they like the most by running their hobbies professionally.
There are some reasons why women prefer to work than just being a plain housewife:
Women like to express themselves. They need to be recognized that they can do something important for the family.
Women want to take part in family earning. They want to help their spouses in order to fulfill the family needs.
Women want to have a safety belt for the family. Although their husbands can earn much, it does not mean that there is no threats. Husbands can get fired at any time, business can be in danger. That is why if women can earn money themselves, they can support their husbands by being the safety belt.
Women want to feel secure themselves. It is a fact that many marriages failed by all reasons. Being independent financially can secure women when their marriages do not work out anymore.
Some women are well known as a money spender. By experiencing the difficulties of earning money, women can understand that it is unwise to spend their husbands' earnings on unnecessary things or luxurious items. Working women usually become wiser in managing money.
From those points above, it is recommended to have your spouse working. It will bring a lot of good things for the whole family, as long as they can put the family on the top priority.
What should always be remembered is that they are working not to compete with their spouses but to support each other in building family wealth. Read More “Tamara Blezynski HOT Picture” »»
Labels: Tamara-Blezinsky
Cynthiara Alona
While Cynthiara Alona was studying for her business/economy degree in Singapore she decided to put into practice what she was learning:
In whatever business venture you undertake, it is essential to capitalize on your assets via effective marketing to a mainstream audience in order to ensure a healthy income stream.
>Econ 401
From there the modeling career of this incredibly talented young lady really took off, and she has continued to gain work in Jakarta’s highly competitive modeling industry.
Business accomplished. Read More “Cynthiara Alona” »»
Labels: Cynthiara Alona
Luna Maya Bugil In Jakarta Under Cover
Apart from experiencing it yourself, the next best way to get a glimpse of the tantalizing delights on offer in sin city Jakarta might be to watch the new film “Jakarta Undercover”.
Directed by Erwin Arnada – who is also on the editorial board of Playboy Indonesia – the film is being released under the Velvet Media group on 22 March 2007.
Adapted from the steamy book written by Moammar Emka, the film focuses on just one of the stories in the book: the life of a striptease artist who has an autistic sibling.
And who plays the role of the striptease artist in the film you ask yourself?
Well, none other than the Austrian-Balinese sex-bomb, Luna Maya.
Now if that ain’t a reason to see the film I don’t know what is.
At all good cinemas near you now!
The luscious Luna Maya ain’t afraid to strip off
Labels: Luna maya
Celebrity Indonesia Lenna Tan: feline grace
Lenna Tan is the presenter of Insert Pagi, a popular Indonesian TV show that features all the latest celebrity gossip. You can catch the show every weekday morning at 7.00 on Trans TV.A beautiful woman, who with her feline features – just look at those eyes! - always appears ready to pounce.
But Lenna hasn’t always been a big cat. Because until fairly recently you could say she was just a little pussy. As shown by her appearance as the flirtatious model in the popular quiz show The Price is Right.
Labels: Lena Tan
Joana "Lewat Tengah malam Movie"
Joana is My Favorite actress
Joana "Lewat Tengah malam Movie"
You may or may not know the name Joanna Alexandra.
But if you live in Indonesia you’d almost certainly recognize her face.
And that’s cos she starred in a frequently shown TV ad for Ponds whitening cream in which she has to make a choice between two men. You know the one that I mean, right?
Then at the tender age of 19, while still a law student at the prestigious University of Indonesia, she released her bombshell: a stunning photo spread in the second and now legendary issue of Playboy Indonesia.11 exquisite photos that delighted connoisseurs of Indonesian beauty yet which, at the same time, outraged the seething fanatics who have a perverse aversion to all the best things in life.
So mad were they that besides Playboy’s editor Erwin Arnada, the fanatics also reported lovely Joanna and one of the other featured Indonesian models Fla Priscilla to the authorities for supposedly “violating public morals”. While still threatening the use of violence to get their point across. Obviously.
The second edition of Playboy Indonesia is also remarkable in that it is, as far as I know, the only widely circulated issue of any magazine to be printed in Indonesia without any advertisements: the advertisers had all pulled out, cowering to the threats of the religious loonies. Pages left blank where there should have been ads for watches, handphones, cars, cigarettes etc.
But in a memorable editorial, Erwin Arnada remained defiant:
“Nama Playboy menjadi sesuatu yang sangat penting dan tak mungkin diubah” (the Playboy name is something which is very important and which cannot possibly be changed
Labels: Joana Alexandra
Annisa Tri Hapsari: married a younger boy
But even after the heartbreak of divorce, many of Indonesia’s sexy celebrities quickly find a new spouse.
And some much quicker than others.
Like sexy mother of four titi dj who after unceremoniously dumping her bule husband quickly tied the nuptial knot with a young tattoo-covered Indonesian rocker.
And why not? After all, you are only as young as you feel – or, indeed, only as young as the one that you feel.
Something that Annisa Tri Hapsari quickly came to realize during her marriage to the aging Adjie Pangestu.
His replacement? Sultan Djorghi, who comes in a good 10 years younger than the lovely Annisa.
Labels: Annisa Tri Hapsari, Janda Sexy
Julia perez and ????
Julia Perez in all her guises
Reason is a whore, surviving by simulation, versatility, and shamelessness.>Emile M. Cioran
Indonesia’s Julia Perez never ceases to amaze. And in whatever guise she takes – from Student to Mechanic, and even to unashamed Lesbian and, of course, Lifeguard – she is guaranteed to turn heads.
Enjoy. Read More “Julia perez and ????” »»
Labels: Julia Perez
Foto Syur Nova Elisa & Tiara lestari
Indonesia’s northernmost province of Aceh is the only Indonesian province - so far at least - to have imposed Sharia Law.
Here an act as innocuous as a loving kiss can land you in severe trouble...
... and you can even get arrested for just being in a car with the “wrong person”!
No wonder then that more and more Acehnese babes decide to leave their homeland and head for the bright lights of metropolitan Jakarta, where they can cast aside their headscarves and long loose dresses for something a little more revealing.
Chicks like the gorgeous soap opera actress Nova Eliza.
A strong critic of polygamy – the law in Indonesia allows men to have up to four wives at a time – she is no stranger to controversy herself however after a series of wild flings with a number of well known public figures including DJ Riri and Zumi Zola.
Labels: Nova Elisa, Tiara lestari
Foto Telanjang Andara Early on PB Magazine
Andara Early
One of the “Playboy Three”, Andara Early, was questioned again by police and will likely be charged with indecent behaviour.
Andara, or Andhara, was named as a suspect in the Playboy indecency case a few days ago, after she had appeared in the first edition of Indonesian Playboy magazine.
Today she underwent further interrogation at Jakarta police headquarters over her supposedly indecent poses, and said afterwards:
I have done nothing wrong. (Saya tidak bersalah)
She was asked forty questions, and said later:
I was questioned as a suspect.
(Saya diperiksa sebagai tersangka.)
Andara will likely be charged under article 282 of the criminal code concerning indecency and faces a maximum sentence of two years and eight months, if convicted. Despite this Andara says she has no regrets about appearing in Playboy and that her family remain supportive.
I don’t feel down, I have to keep upbeat. I have a family and friends who continue to give me support.
(Saya nggak down. Harus tetap semangat. Karena saya punya keluarga dan teman-teman yang terus memberi dukungan.)
According to her lawyer Susilo Aribowo both of the other suspects, model Kartika Oktaviani Gunawan and editor Erwin Arnada had already been interrogated.
The head of the Womens’ and Childrens’ Unit of the police, Ahmad Rivai, said that the cases of the two models were still being investigated while that of Erwin Arnada had already been forwarded to the prosecutor’s office.
Labels: Andara Early, images, Janda Sexy, pictures, Wallpaper
Rahma Azhari Picture Bugil Colection
Here the another a little bit Pictures Collections About Rahma Azhari
She realy Hot...Rahma Azhari you are the best
rahma azhari as have a beautifull Breast
how do you look it??
maybe .......
hmm, here some free articles for you by ezinearticles
Check Your Chi Chis!
By Victoria Graydale
In case you're wondering why you've been drowning in a sea of pink this past month, it's because October was breast cancer awareness month. Pink yogurt lids, pink potato chip bags, pink, pink, pink. I was aware of breast cancer. My mother-in-law and sister-in-law are both survivors. One of my best friends was diagnosed two weeks ago, and thanks to early detection things should turn out fine.
What I didn't know is how many twenty-somethings are at risk. This past weekend my friend Suzi was in Dallas for the 3-Day breast cancer walk. She did it in support of a friend who lost her mother to breast cancer this past July. She was shocked at the number of twenty-something girls who have died from breast cancer. It is not an older woman's disease.
In their infinite wisdom, most insurance companies do not pay for a baseline mammogram until thirty-five or even forty. Therefore many young women go undiagnosed until it is too late. So if you are a twenty-something or you love a twenty-something or if you even just kind of like a twenty-something, tell them self-breast exams are the number one way to detect breast cancer. Free or reduced cost mammograms are also becoming more and more available to women around the country. Take advantage, because early detection leads to early treatment, which leads to a higher survival rate.
Labels: Rahma Azhari

Davina Veronica Another celebrity's half naked pictures on internet now featuring Davina Veronica Hariadi who is a senior top model of Indonesia. The pictures show that Davina wearing a kind transparent dress that's exposing her beautiful body. But as usual,as another celebs with their hot pictures gave their admission, when Davina was asked about her own opinion about those pictures, she doesn't want to admit that the beautiful body on those pictures is hers, cause she said that she has never been posed with that kind of dress. But again, our popular idol telemathics expert, Roy Suryo made the clarification that those three pictures are real,taken by a professional photographer in photo session around 2005.
Labels: Artis Telanjang, Davina veronica
Asmirandah - So cute

Hi it's me. ASMIRANDAH...!
Sst....i see a cuckoo up there!

How's the day fellas ?

Great ? Good then....
Labels: Asmirandah